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Public Art in Silver SpringPublic ArtPublic Art Walk

8045 Newell St
Silver Spring, MD 20910

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Artist: Heidi Lippman
180 s.f. glass painting fabricated by Franz Mayer of Munich in 2006

Located on the site of the former Blair Station Post Office stands artist Heidi Lipmann’s glass wall.  
The piece is named after an automated mail sorting machine that was tried out at the Blair Station Post Office at a time when it handled one of the largest volumes of mail in the country.  The name of the sorting machine was TRANSORMA, which stood for TRANsportation, SORting, Marchand, and Andriersen (the Dutch inventors).  The 180 square foot wall was fabricated by Franz Mayer of Munich, and features hand painted cancellation stamps that are patterned in a series of circles and stripes.  The multi-layered glass also used a silk screen process in the creation and was kiln fired to finish the piece.  The artist, Heidi Lipmann has created many Public Art pieces in a variety of different mediums including terrazzo, mosaic, and glass painting.  She is also a sculptor.

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