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S.S. B&O R.R. Station Open House, Sat., 2/4/23, 10-2 P.M., FREE!
8100 Georgia Ave. at Sligo, Silver Spring 20910, 301-495-4915
10-2 P.M., Explore the Historic Station, Step on Board All Ages:
Family Friendly, Bring Your Inner-Child!
11 am - Noon, Special Stop! Cicada-Gusto, Power Point by Creator/Narrator Clarence Hickey
17-year periodical cicadas emerged with great gusto in Mo Co & DC area, during Spring 2021!
"The Brood X 17-Year Periodical Cicadas of 2021 in Montgomery County: A Look Back at What was Experienced & Learned," by Clarence Hickey, Back Yard Scientist
"This PowerPoint Presentation uses many colorful photos of the 2021 cicada season, and Mr. Hickey discusses his backyard science and nature studies of these amazing animals.
Program visitors can also examine some of the insect specimens collected from his yard." Photo provided by.

During MPI Open Houses, Anyone inside the building must wear a Mask in consideration for vulnerable patrons and staff of All Ages. Outdoors, Masking is optional.

Take a self-guided Tour outside and inside the historic Station. “Train Spot” under the Station’s rear canopy!
Indoors, enjoy our HO Scale model train display, Toy Train Set, Rail photos, Station Manager’s ticket office, 1945 lighted telephone booth, illuminated B&O R.R. “Drumhead,” and Memorabilia of your original Downtown Silver Spring!

NOTE: If winter weather threatens cancellation, phone 301-495-4915 or see MPI Facebook

This Station is a Montgomery County, Md., Historic Site, Listed on the National Register of Historic Places, and a multi-faceted gem in S.S.’s Arts & Entertainment District.

Open House is Co-Hosted by Montgomery Preservation Inc. and Silver Spring Historical Society.

Photo provided by

"The Brood X 17-Year Periodical Cicadas of 2021 in Montgomery County: A Look Back at What was Experienced & Learned," Presented by Clarence Hickey
"The 17-year periodical cicadas emerged with great gusto in Montgomery County and the DC area, during the spring of 2021. The total life cycle was about 5 weeks long, from May 9 to June 19, in and around Rockville. Brood X laid eggs on many different trees and shrubs including maple, redbud, holly, sycamore, and chestnut trees, as well as rhododendron, forsythia, blueberry and wineberry bushes. Based on observations of the number of cicada holes in my backyard, I estimated that there could have been as many as 40,000 cicadas emerging there, which would scale up to an estimated 500,000 cicadas per acre. I participated in a citizen science program, using my smartphone, to help university scientists of the Cicada Safari program, study and map the distribution of Brood X. The national cicada program results show that the DC metro area was in the bullseye of the emergence which was so intense that it was detected by National Weather Service radar.
Presenter Clarence Hickey also portrays 19th century Rockville's Dr. Edward E. Stonestreet at Montgomery History’s Stonestreet Museum, Rockville, and is author of "SEND FOR THE DOCTOR."